A to Z of Mental Health and Fundraising

At least 1 in 4 people suffer from mental health problems so here is some useful info. For more information and advice please visit www.mind.org.uk 

Organising a fundraising event is a great way to meet people, develop skills, have fun and fell good by supporting your chosen charity.

A - Anxiety: Can cause you to feel constantly on edge, have difficulty concentrating and irritability. Can also cause physical symptoms such as tiredness and insomnia, dizziness, heart palpitations, feeling sick, shortness of breath and headache. If anxiety is causing you long-term problems then please see your GP who can provide solutions such as medication and counselling.

A - Apple Bobbing: How many apples can you retrieve with your mouth in a minute? %0p a go, prize for the most apples.

B - Bipolar:


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